
Ferrybot: A Conversational AI Agent for Wellbeing

You are chatting with Ferrybot...

Ferrybot is an intelligent agent within a peer support group. It serves as a MENTOR for peer supporters to teach them the necessary skills and strategies to effectively engage with other group members, focusing on how to sensitively inquire about members' feelings, health, and personal interests, and how to encourage participation in group activities.

Above are sample messages

Type at the bottom to start


Hi! I'm Ferrybot, an intelligent chatbot for you to better cope with others in a peer support group. Ask me anything or simply prompt me to give some guidance for you!


In this scenario, you will play the role of a supporter within a peer support group. Through interactions with Ferrybot, you'll receive guidance to enhance your ability to offer valuable support and cultivate a welcoming community atmosphere.

Scroll over the window to see sample messages, then try it out!


Train Peer Supporters on Empathic Care by Simulation Exercise

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