
Ferrybot: A Conversational AI Agent for Wellbeing

You are chatting with Ferrybot...

Ferrybot is an intelligent agent within a peer support group, taking care of all the members. Its role is to provide emotional support and encourage members to engage with the peer support group. As a CARE INTERMEDIARY, it initiates conversations with inactive members to inquire about their mental and physical well-being.

Above are sample messages

Type at the bottom to start


Hi! I notice you haven't been active lately and want to check in. How's it going these days?


In this scenario, you will play the role of a member of a peer support group who hasn't interacted with Ferrybot or participated in the group chat recently. You might hesitate to discuss your issues with real people, but could feel more comfortable opening up if a chatbot initiates contact.

Scroll over the window to see sample messages, then try it out!


Match Newcomers with Suitable Peer Support Groups

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